However, the result has not gone down well with Americans living in Mallorca. American travel writer and filmmaker, Jeff Buchanan told the Bulletin: “It was all summed up fairly simply today when I walked into my regular cafe for my morning coffee, and the waitress, knowing me to be an American, said, ‘I’m so sorry’.

“Yes, I’m sorry too, in ways I couldn’t have fathomed even just yesterday. I thought perhaps the polls were hinting at a hopeful end to this nightmare revisiting of the previous presidency. But the American people have voted. They have decided, that despite their man’s previous term, and the embarrassment of vulgarities of his life since being ousted from office, that they wanted to give him another chance at running the most powerful nation on Earth.
“So, this is what democracy looks like now. When it’s up and running smoothly, after all the bloodshed in creating liberties and freedoms, to create voting, they arrive at a system where the people elect someone who best mirrors the make-up of the country. And thus, they have placed a complete imbecile in the White House.
“As an American I cannot argue or explain it away, all I can do is apologise. Say I’m sorry to you, my beloved Spain, to have witnessed what was once, perhaps, a country of ideals and great influence, to now have driven the final nail into the coffin of decency—by popular vote.
“I had already adopted Spain as my new home, and just secured my residency when all this strangeness ramped up the past few months. I am here now, to stay. Realize that there are a significant number of Americans who don’t align with this. I feel for them, to have to weather the coming tides, the malice, the recklessness. Please know, this is not reflective of all Americans. Still, I am sorry.”
American chef Jeff Harter from Colorado who has lived in Mallorca for 18 years was not impressed either. “I’ so glad in live in Europe and I know plenty of people back in the States who have been telling me that if Trump wins, they’ve leaving the country, So America can expect a big exodus of people to Europe. It’s an unbelievable result, especially as we were all being told it was too close to call. I don’t get it.

"The economy is fantastic, inflation is down and unemployment is low. All this is going to do is crate an even more divided America with Trump not looking after the people, as we Democrats believe in, but siphoning money from public education for his own personal benefit and that of his cronies and other corporate friends. For years I’ve always told people that America is such a beautiful place, the only thing wrong with it are the Americans,” Jeff told the Bulletin. “Who knows what’s going to happen now, we’ll just have to wait and see but there’s no way I’m rushing back to the States now.”

Mike Taylor, an English teacher from Chicago said: “I’m genuinely concerned about the real damage that the second Trump administration will bring. It seems likely that lines will be drawn that will only drive us further apart and reverse the rights that so many people have fought hard to secure. It’s not just about political disagreements; there are global implications from this election. “The only comfort is that will be his last term as President. There’s an end point in sight. We just have to hold on tight, be vigilant, and hope we can come out the side without lasting harm.”
Christina Buchet from Michigan and office manager of the Mallorca Bulletin, also regrets that Kamala Harris did not succeed in becoming the first woman president of the United States. She would have liked Biden to have broken through earlier to give Harris more time to prepare. “Unfortunately, neither of them had enough successes to show for their term in office,” she said.

“Many Americans believed that Trump, in particular, had more to offer on economic issues, which probably gave him the decisive edge in the end.” However, she is also relieved that this will be Trump’s last term in office: “But in the coming years, the US must prepare for a new chapter”.
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Richard Pearson has been creamed on this thread. Again.
As with so very many comments I have received from friends and strangers concerning my bewilderment about the election and American politics in general, there is a focus on who did what for the country, which economy was better, etc. What bothers me is the lack of civility and decency on display from multiple persons, from both parties. I would like to think that common courtesy and politeness still has a place in the make-up of an individual, and thus, the country.
Apropos Mr William’s last lecture, he wrote the following: “I doubt most Trump voters have much experience outside of US borders (except for maybe a few trips to an American hotel in the Bahamas or Mexico or Cayman).” Demonstrating once again why the party that has a majority of people who think like he does, lost. He seems oblivious to the fact that huge numbers of recent arrivals to America from places like Central and South America, the Caribbean, the African continent, India, China, Western and Eastern Europe voted for Trump as they didn’t like the way American society was heading. Their combined knowledge of what occurs in their countries of birth far exceeds that of the average Democrat voter, purely due to the fact that the new legal arrivals tend to be higher educated and also higher net earners than the rest of the population. They want the best for their families, in other words less state intrusion, better public schooling, lower taxes and less leftish and woke brain washing policies, which is why they left and emigrated to America in the first place. Don’t believe me, believe the polls, statistics and results. They are all there, online.
Says a condescending unknown member of the academic elite, who most probably doesn’t know the price of butter (here it was the price of a coffee) and who, it seems, is a supporter of the land of his fathers and a member of a “club” whose sole intention is the downfall of Trump and his admirers. Back in the day we used to call them sore losers. Bad losers. I am in no doubt that Williams will revel in delight with every failure the new administration makes, telling anyone who wishes to listen that I told you so. I, for one, won’t be listening. What a sad man he must be to insult patriotic flag wavers during Remembrance week. Will he be brave enough to do the same on Memorial Day next May ? I would bet anything that Mr Williams suggests that not one of the Americans he mentions has surrendered their passports or rescinded their U.S. nationality. Finally, one doesn’t integrate into other cultures. They integrate you. If they so wish to do so.
This appears to be another good example of the drawbacks of insularity. I doubt most Trump voters have much experience outside of US borders (except for maybe a few trips to an American hotel in the Bahamas or Mexico or Cayman). Those Americans commenting in this article have the benefit of having lived abroad and integrated with other cultures. They likely aren't your typical flag-waving Americans, and likely don't really see themselves as subscribers to any specific nationality. Perhaps like those despicable "citizens of nowhere" that Theresa May talked about when promoting Brexit. Yet, they all seem pretty grounded. After all, there is a big world out there, and not everything is American (or British, as the case may be), and once you see that, then reality strikes. Viewing everything through an American (or British) lens can be quite limiting and ultimately, misguided. Having said that, and as long as we're tossing opinions around, here's one that I suspect may be more realistic than the hubris now enjoyed by Trump voters. Be careful what you wish for - and know "for sure" (especially since so little of any of Trump's rhetoric had even a shred of evidence to support it). So, what can we expect now? Just what Trump has always said. It doesn't get any plainer than that. Enjoy.
For anyone wondering which candidate would have run the economy better, here are the figures: Trump raised 382 million, spent 345 million of which 10,4 million was for staff Kamala raised 1.003 million, spent 1.370 million of which 583 million was for staff. She (and the party) now are asking for (even more) donations to cover this shortfall, so I’m sure most of you fans will be contributing as much as you can during these following days. Oh, by the way, he won in ALL of the swing states.
chillWrong again.
Morgan Williams
Richard Pearsonouch x
why don´t we give Trump a another change, his first term, by every metric, was considerably better for the nation then the Biden administration. And Trump was also the only President that left the office considerably poorer than when he started his term, unlike the last 5 democratic Presidents. So please don't tell me he is in it for himself.