The ZBE covers the historic centre of the city. | Miquel À. Cañellas


Palma's Low Emission Zone (ZBE to give the Spanish abbreviation) came into force on New Year's Day. Only vehicles with environmental labels B, C, Eco and Zero Emissions can now circulate in the historic centre of the city. Vehicles without a label or with an A label are not permitted; the A label is for petrol vehicles registered before 2001 and diesel vehicles before 2006.

As 2025 is to be treated as test period, no fines will be issued until 2026. Owners will instead be sent information notices.

The city's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan has a second phase starting in 2027 and a third in 2030. The ZBE will be extended, but areas are yet to be determined. The current area is within the Avenidas and the Paseo Marítimo. It doesn't apply to the Avenidas or to the Paseo.

There are a number of exceptions, though some require requesting authorisation, e.g. vehicles for transporting goods; vehicles for transporting people with reduced mobility; owners of businesses located within the ZBE; hotel clients; public transport; essential services (medical, funeral, police, private security, etc.).

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Vehicles registered outside Spain are not classified according to the DGT traffic directorate's environmental criteria, so owners must request authorisation to enter the ZBE.

The 2030 target is 30% of vehicles with eco and zero emissions ratings in the city centre and 10% in the whole municipality.

To obtain stickers, go to

They can also be obtained from the Post Office (Correos) either online or at offices -