End of the Golden Visa....but there is a new way to live in Spain with few problems
"Could be a way forward for some after the demise of the Golden visa..."
British passport alert travelling to Mallorca
Britons can now only stay in Schengen countries for up to 90 days within a six-month period. Before Brexit, you could stay as long as you wanted.
How can I apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA)?
Once approved, the ETA is valid for two years and linked to the passport used for the application.
New UK travel authorisation rules could impact unprepared travellers
Travellers arriving in the UK without an ETA will be denied entry.
Laura Hamilton: “I’ve always loved Mallorca, I just wished I’d bought here earlier...”
“For an island it offers so much. I love the city of Palma, the architecture, the food, the people and there are amazing vineyards on the island. It’s mountainous, it’s lush, it’s green, the beaches are amazing, it’s family friendly. There’s just so much about it that I’ve always loved and both my children first came here when they were just three weeks old.”
Lifting 90-day rule back on the agenda in France, will Spain follow?
"These second home owners play an active role in the local economy. The difficulties they are experiencing in occupying their homes since the Brexit are being felt in our regions."
British deputy prime minister apologises for her dance moves in the Balearics
“I know that the people of this country deserve more and I will fight for them every day, but I also know that people need to have days off.”
"Vote for the only party that wants to rebuild relations with Europe" urges Lib Dem leader Ed Davey in a direct appeal to Britons abroad
“We’re the only party which really thinks about British citizens living abroad.”
Only 24% of Britons think country should be outside EU, report finds
Brexit will play a huge part in how expats vote, if they vote.
Conservative party promise dedicated minister for British expats
“Britons living overseas are flying the flag for Britain abroad and nearly all of them retain a strong interest in the UK."
Easier paperwork for all…except the Brits
Spanish government makes it easier to work in Spain but not for all.
Jason Moore20/12/2024 09:24