Mallorca "strangler" arrested, another on the run

Local community living in fear

One of the suspects being arrested by the Guardia Civil. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The two violent Algerian criminals who allegedly tried to strangle a man with a rope to rob him in Colònia de Sant Jordi a few days ago were hiding in an electricity hut at the entrance to the village, soarking fear among the local community: "There are girls and women who go out there every day to run, a disaster could have happened," one resident said.

The transformer unit was an illegally squat for the two North Africans some time ago, and they lived there in precarious conditions. The hut is located near a well-known hotel and many residents pass by on a daily basis. The violence used by the Algerians, who apparently almost killed their victim, has caused a deep shock in the neighbourhood: "To think that they were hiding in that building and could have made a mess".

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Moreover, fear has increased because the Guardia Civil has arrested one of those involved, but the other is still on the run and his whereabouts are unknown. The incident took place in the early hours of 3 January. The emergency services received a call from a witness who saw the violent attack. Patrols from the Guardia Civil of Ses Salines, the local police and ambulances rushed to the scene.

On arrival they found the victim lying on the ground, with obvious signs of having been strangled. The criminals approached the victim and after strangling him with a rope and beating him they stole his mobile phone and cash. After being stabilised by medical staff, the victim was taken to Manacor hospital. One of the suspects was arrested and it was confirmed that he was in Spain illegally and had been issued with an expulsion order. Local residents are demanding that the electricity unit that served as a hideout be closed while the investigation continues.