Palma affordable housing - The town hall's number one priority

Licensing procedures are quicker than they were

Palma, a city with great wealth but also with a serious housing problem. | MDB


Óscar Fidalgo is Palma's councillor for housing. Access to housing is one of the main problems faced by the people of Palma. Prices, both for sale and for rent, continue to rise. The supply of apartments to rent has been falling for several years, pushing prices up ever further. Faced with this situation, he stresses that "housing is a problem that we must confront". "It is at the top of our list of priorities."

The councillor says that the town hall didn't undertake the building of a single home over the eight-year period of the PSOE-Més-Podemos administrations. Private homes were built, but not public homes of an affordable variety.

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In addressing this, he points to the tender for the construction of 363 new homes to rent at limited prices, these prices being in accordance with a Balearic Government policy of setting prices at below market rates ('limited prices').

"In addition, we are planning to put out to tender over 1,000 more homes in the near future. At the same time, we have implemented measures to expand the entire public housing stock of the Palma Trust for social housing. This will involve the rehabilitation of empty homes for marketing them at a limited price. And we are going to speed up these developments as soon as possible. We need housing now and we must supply answers. We are working to make land available for the construction of housing asap."

Fidalgo says that the town hall is working "every day" on applications for government initiatives such as the conversion of commercial premises into housing. In respect of all developments, his department has been looking to accelerate the licensing process. In 2024, more than 1,000 licences were granted, "an historic figure in terms of efficiency and which reflects a reduction in the queue of files pending reports". There at present fewer than 200 files that require attention.