The Bulletin warned of a scramble for eggs a few weeks ago. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


"Egg prices could crack new record in Mallorca" was the headline in the Bulletin just a few weeks ago. Well, today we can confirm that the price of eggs has risen by more than 30% and almost 50% in year-on-year terms, according to BusinessInsider. These figures are corroborated by the president of the Balearic Food and Drink Distributors Association, Bartolomé Servera, who predicts that prices will rise even higher if Spanish eggs are exported to the US.

He explained that the procedures are being accelerated so that Spain can export to North America, which is suffering significant problems in supply due to avian flu; more than 160 million hens have died. US President Donald Trump is aware of this problem and in the midst of his tariff war has decided to make an exception for eggs.

At the end of February the Spanish Federation of Egg and Egg Product Producers, Federovo, sent a circular to its members explaining that ‘through various sources (the Spanish embassy in Washington and others) we have learned that the United States is interested in importing eggs from Spain’.

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Furthermore, Servera pointed out that ‘we have a valid export certificate for egg products, but not for fresh eggs’. For this reason, he announced that ‘we are making arrangements with the authorities to process the corresponding export certificates’. In view of this situation, he recommended that ‘all those interested in exporting to the USA should activate their commercial relations in order to be able to export’.

The president of the Balearic Islands Food and Beverage Distributors Association has no doubt that US President Donald Trump will make an exception to his tariff policy and allow Spanish eggs to be marketed in his country. ‘Trump has a serious problem because they don't have eggs and his citizens demand this basic food in their diet,’ he argues.

He warned that this increase in demand for eggs will cause prices to rise even more, as it is a question of supply and demand; and even that there will be problems with supply in the Balearic Islands. Servera points out that the islands import a large part of the eggs and egg products consumed, especially in summer, from the mainland, as production is insufficient.