On the other hand, claw toe is a deformity of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot that occurs when hyperextension is combined with distal flexion of the toe. This creates a claw shape of one or more toes, which can be very painful on the sole of the foot and dorsal toes. This claw deformity is more common in older people and is caused by genetic alterations in the anatomy of the foot. Claw toe, in short, becomes more common with the passage of time.
Minimally invasive foot surgery
Nowadays, advances in medicine have developed surgical techniques for the correction of foot deformities, especially for the treatment of hallux valgus and claw toes. These new techniques allow for more effective treatments with fewer side effects and faster recovery, without discomfort and with fewer complications.
Minimally invasive surgery may be a treatment option for patients who have already undergone one or more foot surgeries. Patients who are not suitable for traditional surgery due to age or associated diseases. It is also used for the correction of other toe deformities, such as hallux rigidus, tailor's bunion, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, heel spurs, Haglund's deformity and others.
Another advantage of this minimally invasive procedure is that there is no age limit for it to be performed. In addition, the vast majority of patients who undergo this procedure do not require strong painkillers during the post-operative period, only occasional painkillers in some cases.

It should be noted that one of the objectives of these techniques is to improve the postoperative period by minimising tissue aggression, reducing the risk of possible complications and, in many cases, shortening the rehabilitation and recovery process until definitive discharge.
Minimally invasive surgery must be performed under radiological control with a fluoroscope that allows visualisation of the surgical gestures. It also requires specific instrumentation.
This type of intervention requires the same preoperative care as any other surgical procedure. It is usually performed under local or loco-regional anaesthesia (anaesthetising only from the ankle area towards the foot) and, on occasions, under conscious sedation to make the patient more comfortable during surgery.

At the end of the operation, patients must wear a special bandage and a post-surgical shoe. On the same day, they can return home on their own feet, thus accelerating their recovery and their daily life activities. The medical discharge to return to work will depend not so much on the pathology but on the professional work carried out by the patient. A person who works sitting down can almost return to work within a week of surgery.
The main characteristics of this surgery are:
✓ It is performed under local anaesthesia, without the need for admission.
✓ Micro incisions in the skin of 1-3 mm.
✓ No stitches.
✓ No risk of infection.
✓ No post-surgical pain.
✓ No osteosynthesis material (screws, staples, Kisnner wires).
✓ Immediate ambulation after surgery.
✓ Allows the patient to return to work within a short period of time.
Podactiva Podiatry Clinic
Julià Alvarez 14, 07004 Palma
Tel. 871 592 020 · 606 259 737