Alcanada, Mallorca
Alcanada. Alcudia forecast for Friday; slight possibility of rain early on, otherwise generally sunny with a southeast breeze and a high of 32C.
Cloudy over Alcudia Bay, Mallorca
Alcanada. Alcudia forecast for Sunday is a sunny start and then increasingly cloudy and a possible shower. A high of 31C.
Alcanada, Mallorca
Alcanada - Forecast high of 29C in Alcudia on Wednesday.
Alcanada lighthouse, Mallorca
Alcanada lighthouse - Sunday forecast for Alcudia is sunny in the morning and gathering cloud by the afternoon; a high of 25C.
View across Alcanada, Mallorca
Alcanada - Cloudy spells forecast for Alcudia on Tuesday.
Alcudia Bay, Mallorca sunset
View of Alcanada and beyond - mainly clear skies expected for the next few days.
Alcanada lighthouse, Mallorca
The lighthouse in Alcanada.
Alcudia town hall is keen enough for this project to go ahead to have presented it to other town halls in the area.
Alcudia town hall is keen enough for this project to go ahead to have presented it to other town halls in the area.
The Poblat Gesa is in Alcanada
The Poblat Gesa is in Alcanada
The undersea secrets of Majorca's first settlers
The Font de ses Aiguades, close to the shore in Alcanada, was first explored in 1998.