Etiqueta 'Associació Tardor'
"It’s a different life on the other side of the paseo..."
“We get to be Santa Claus with other people's money! But without the cooperation of the Superyacht crews and businesses we would not be able to help.”
Together we are less alone
This week we visit the Llar Kurt shelter in Palma where the members cut hair and beards free of charge for homeless and needy people in their spare time.

Barber Angels Brotherhood at work
Barber Angels Brotherhood at work.
Majorca Mallorca
Giving back
News filtered through to the yachting community that the Palma soup kitchen Associació Tardor was running out of food.
Life in Lockdown
The C Word
Latest figures suggested there were around 94,000 people in a situation of social exclusion, and over 200,000 more at risk of the same. COVID-19 just made these horrifying figures multiply.