Etiqueta 'Beach regeneration'
Permission once again sought for regeneration of Cala Bona beaches
A town hall request to the Costas Authority early this year still hasn't had any response.
Regeneration of Cala Varques beach
The regeneration is for the area once occupied by the illegal beach bar.

Regenerating the sand on the beach in Cala Millor
Regenerating the sand on the beach in Cala Millor.
Environment ministry opposed to quarry sand for beach regeneration
Felanitx town hall has asked for quarry sand to be used for regenerating four beaches.
Spanish government aid wanted for Cala Millor beach
Damage by Storm Gloria means expensive regeneration work in Cala Millor.
Regenerating the beaches
Legislative change would be needed regarding a long-term solution for the loss of sand in beaches around Mallorca.
Andrew Ede03/12/2020 15:53