Etiqueta 'Films in Mallorca'
Enjoy this summer a “pairing” of an outdoor cinema with a gastronomic experience
Frontón (Racquet) Sineu and Rosa Blanca introduce a Cinema al Fresco Summer Programming in this unique and historical spot in the heart of the island, the PLA of Mallorca, in the village of Sineu. The iniciative started on June 30th and will screen films until August 30th.

Un Chien Andalou - Luis Bunuel & Salvador Dalì
Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) is a 1929 silent surrealist short film by the Spanish director Luis Buñuel and artist Salvador Dalí.
Films in English for Friday 17 November until Tuesday 21 December
Friday only showing of the original West Side Story at CineCiutat. Also tickets on sale now for the remake showing next week. Times to change earlier next week due to the Christmas holidays. Watch this space.