Etiqueta 'History of Majorca'
Palma in 1229 according to artificial intelligence.

Did you know

Watch what life was like in Palma in 1229 according to artificial intelligence

The unique video has been posted on Instagram by the mallorca_en_insta account, which has shared images showing a day in the life of a 13th-century citizen of Palma.

MDB Digital17/03/2025 16:49

The city had to expand

The city had to expand

The city had to expand.


Pollentia, so much to discover


Vandals, Visigoths and Vikings: Mallorca’s uncertain history

As history goes in Mallorca, there is hardly anything, prior to the conquest of Jaume I in 1229, to which specific dates can be attached.

Andrew Ede06/04/2021 10:42

Spain was the “first centre Ratline activity which facilitated the escape of Nazi fascists’.

Spain was the “first centre Ratline activity which facilitated the escape of Nazi fascists’.

Spain was the “first centre Ratline activity which facilitated the escape of Nazi fascists’.

R.C. 15/03/2020

The location of the church would have had some strategic purpose

The location of the church would have had some strategic purpose

ALCÚDIA: Alcúdia Triennal. Fotos: Bárbara Cordero ALCÚDIA: Alcúdia Triennal. Fotos: Bárbara Cordero

Bárbara Cordero 26/07/2019