Etiqueta 'Keanu Reeves'
Keanu Reeves, in a picture shared at the well-known beach bar Es Bruc.


Keanu Reeves, another celebrity spotted in the Balearics

The star of the Matrix and the John Wick saga is one of the many lovers of the Balearic Islands.

MDB Digital08/07/2024 09:00

Five hundred euro notes


Strategic financial planning for Spain

Every family is different. Your strategic financial planning must be carefully designed for you.

Cathal Rochford, Partner Blevins Franks24/07/2023 16:32

The President of the Balearics, Francina Armengol, with the Bulletin WTM special yesterday.


Armengol demands payment of investments for tourism from Madrid

“It is unacceptable that over four years investments have not been made in accordance with our own legal system.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/11/2015 00:00

Mallorca’s president/owner Utz Claassen delivers some good news.

Real Mallorca

Mallorca set to get a 20 million euro cash injection

Claassen and his team have taken time working out a plan to reorganise a club crippled and almost destroyed by in-fighting and greed.

Monro Bryce31/10/2015 00:00

Balearic government claims 240 million euros of unpaid road-building investment


Balearic government claims 240 million euros of unpaid road-building investment

Montoro acknowledged that the Balearics have suffered from an underfunding that the system of regional financing has failed to correct.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/09/2015 00:00

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.


More government debt to pay civil servants' Christmas bonus

These costs are identified in a report accompanying a decree which authorises the payment of just over 25% of the Christmas “bonus.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/09/2015 00:00

The President of the Balearics, Francina Armengol, in Parliament today.


Madrid and Palma to meet to discuss Balearic financing

Armengol and the regional finance minister, Catalina Cladera, assured the leader of the El Pi party, Jaume Font, that the government plans to spend in a better way.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/09/2015 00:00

The Balearic minister of finance Catalina Cladera had hoped for more flexibility.

Majorca finance

Madrid refuses to ease Balearic financial pressure

Montoro accepts that this will be very demanding but has stressed that it is a target that is common to all regions which have, in the past few years, made great efforts to address deficit levels.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/08/2015 00:00