Etiqueta 'LGTBI community'
Bullfight in Muro, Mallorca

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Muro and its contradiction of social acceptance

Town hall condemnation of the burning of a rainbow flag but an obsession with wishing to stage bullfights.

Andrew Ede25/05/2024 14:31

Palma Pride Week 2022

Palma Pride Week 2022

Palma Pride Week 2022.

Archives 14/06/2022

LGBT+ activists protest over the death of Samuel Luiz, in Barcelona

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Protests in Spain against suspected LGBT hate crime

The 24-year-old nursing assistant was beaten near a nightclub in the early hours of Saturday.

Reuters06/07/2021 12:07

Some feminists argue that broadening access to gender identity could dilute women's fight.

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Spain considers making it easier to officially change gender

Spaniards will no longer have to undergo medical and psychological examinations and years of hormone treatment.

Reuters04/02/2021 13:13

Some feminists argue that broadening access to gender identity could dilute women's fight.

Some feminists argue that broadening access to gender identity could dilute women's fight.

Some feminists argue that broadening access to gender identity could dilute women's fight.

Fernando Alvarado - cmm - EFE - 04/02/2021

EMT buses announced "Stop transphobia" and Palma town hall draped the flag.


Ultra-conservative associations face possible hate crimes charges

President Armengol yesterday told "the gentlemen of HazteOir" that they were not welcome in the Balearics.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/06/2017 00:00