Etiqueta 'Majorca villages'

The Monastery of Lluc
The Monastery of Lluc
Explore the beauty of autumn in Mallorca
Autumn in Mallorca offers a serene escape from the summer hustle and bustle...
The villages of Mallorca that are a must for visitors
10 of the island's villages that will make you fall in love.
How an old estate became a municipality in Mallorca
The village holds its almond blossom fair and it also has a fiesta for Saint Ignatius of Antioch.
Seven million euros for increasing local retail trade
More pedestrianisation and more parking will be keys to boosting local business.
Holiday rentals
Holiday rentals boost the economies of Majorca's villages
The figures from the tourism ministry differ to other figures that were made public earlier this year. Both sets of figures indicate the importance of rentals to villages in Majorca's interior.