Etiqueta 'S'Estol Rei en Jaume'
Alcudia. Town festivities. The giant-headed figure group s'estol del rei en jaume celebrates 20 years

Alcudia. Town festivities. The giant-headed figure group s'estol del rei en jaume celebrates 20 years

Alcudia. Town festivities. The giant-headed figure group S'Estol del Rei en jaume celebrates 20 years in this file photo.

A. ESTABEN 02/10/2024

S'Estol Rei en Jaume fair in Alcudia

S'Estol Rei en Jaume fair in Alcudia

S'Estol Rei en Jaume - the bigheads of King Jaume I and his Moor rival.

A. ESTABEN 27/09/2023

Mayor Toni Mir, front centre, Caty Pericàs, councillor for the fair, to his left, and other members of the town hall.

Northern News Spotlight

King James' "group" the images of Alcudia's fair

Members of the town hall gathered in front of "La Sala" for the presentation of the poster for this year's fair.

Andrew Ede14/09/2015 00:00