Etiqueta 'Santa Margalida town hall'
Spotlight North: Tourism of excesses? Can Picafort’s sunloungers
It would seem that the situation had been brewing and that it finally came to a head last Sunday.
Spotlight North: The anti-mayor poster of Santa Margalida
The Workers Front claimed that the fines were dished out for political reasons
Local police staged a loud protest
Local police staged a loud protest.
Spotlight North: Police not wanting to do nights in Santa Margalida
There were protests by police directed at the town hall in January.
Font de Santa Margalida square
Font de Santa Margalida square.
Can Picafort could be without beach services this summer
The health crisis has just added to what was already a problematic situation.
Northern News Spotlight
Son Serra residents complaining of neglect
Typical among the complaints are the vacant lots that are used as dumps.