Etiqueta 'Squatting'
Squatting in Palma - police and the courts
Police speed of response to a notification of squatting can be crucial in swiftly resolving the matter.
Squatters in Mallorca taken to court
Squatters who occupied apartments in Palma were convicted of extortion.
Increase in the number of 'denuncias' for squatting
Large property owners like banks hardly ever take squatters to court.
Prosecutor clarifies police right to act against squatters
Recent cases of squatting have appeared to be deliberate attempts at extortion.
Son Banya clans squatting in flats in Palma
The imminent evictions from Son Banya are leading to illegal occupation elsewhere.
The company that will get rid of squatters
The targets for Desokupa are the "mafias of squatting".