Queen’s College - discovering Shakespeare’s A midsummer night’s dream
Year 6 students at Queen's College delve into A Midsummer Night’s Dream, explore history at Els Calderers, and foster a love for reading.

Queen's College 2023-24 academic year
Going back to school.
Queen's College end of year celebration
The end of the academic year was celebrated on the evening before the final day of school for pupils in Years 3 - 13.
Coronation celebrations at Queen's College
Queen’s College primary pupils celebrate the coronation of King Charles III

The Academy International School celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day in blue and green Y2.
Earth Day Activities in Junior and Senior School at the Academy School
This week students at The Academy International School celebrated Earth Day and exhibition opening by Senior art students and a visit to an event at the Palma Convention Centre.

Queen's College Book Day
Year 2's favourite books
"Portable magic" - Queen's College celebrates World Book Day and San Jordi
Students at Queen's College celebrated World Book Day and Nursery children were on a scavenger hunt.
The Academy School worked together on the Children's Mental Health Week
This week at the Academy School a range of activities took place to support the children's mental health week.

Queen's College Year 3 visit to Soller
Queen's College Year 3 visit to the Botanical Gardens in Soller.
Queens College and Bellver International College expedition groups take part in conservation work in La Trapa
With another successful expedition under their belts the students are keen to take on the Qualifying Expedition on their return back to school after the school summer holidays.

Duke of Edinburgh expedition
The final destination was the protected area of La Trapa, with the remains of the monastery, established by Trapist Monks in the 19th century.
End of school year at the Academy International School
Another year goes by and this year's school term has come to an end. Here is how the Academy International School ended their week.

Year 6 students graduate Primary School at The Academy
Year 6 students graduate Primary School at The Academy.

Queen's College Sports Day
Lukas’ DJ Panda was a huge hit with everyone as he proudly posed beside the football penalties event.
Queen's College Infant Sports Day
Over the last 20 years this has been traditionally organised by the oldest primary students, Year 6.