Balearics warned of a red hot summer this year
This summer could be hotter than last year’s record season
Last summer was one of the hottest on record in the Balearics. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Palma21/03/2023 11:36
Meteorologists are warning that this summer could be hotter than last year in the Balearics and other parts of Spain.
2022 was the sixth-warmest year since records began in 1880.
The oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022.
The 10 warmest years on record have all occurred since 2010.
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An amazing amount of ignorance displayed below. Literally thousands of people with scientific qualifications working over many years have come up with the fact that we humans are accelerating the warming of our planet to a degree that will shortly be unsustainable for the worlds climate balance and a lot of very bad things will start happening. I for one have no reason not to believe them. Even our politicians believe them now - shows how serious it must be. Regarding the article, this refers to one year, the coming one. Yes it could be very hot, but of course there is always the possibility we may be in for an unusually cold summer. Ask me around the end of August and I should be able to give you a fairly accurate answer.
60 years ago we were in for the second ice age, somehow I missed it. Marvin, how come the Antarctic is getting colder? How do we know there were not droughts, fire, and floods 500 years ago in all the undiscovered parts of the world? How do we know this is not just another cycle and due to the fact we have made such vast advances in technology the world has got smaller, and we learn instantly what is happening the other side of the world. There are many reasons for everything and to focus on just one, is, excuse the pun, short sighted!
Nigel MaudeClimate change and ever increasing temperatures, fires, floods and droughts are not “project fear” which implies falsehoods and baseless scaremongering. Unfortunately it’s real and it’s happening. However, the MDB do love a bit of death, doom and despair though, especially when Brits are being warned, endangered, ripped off or otherwise treated the same as everyone else.
OMG more project fear! Surely the MDB has more interesting things to write about. Summers are HOT, winters are COLD, did they not teach you that at school! I give up, the millennials have lost the plot.