No let-up in the heat as temperatures continue to rise in the Balearics

Temperatures to hit 35ºC or 36ºC over the next few days

Trying to beat the heat in Mallorca. | Salas


The suffocating heat of the past few days on the mainland is now starting to grip the Balearics.
According to forecasts by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), minimum temperatures will also continue to be warmer than normal for this time of year, with tropical nights of 20 degrees or more.
According to data published by the Aemet, temperatures yesterday reached maximum temperatures above 35 degrees in large parts of Andalusia; in towns such as El Granado (Huelva) and also in the Seville district of Tablada and Las Cabezas de San Juan (Seville), temperatures exceeded 37 degrees.

Spokesperson for the Balearic delegation of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), María José Guerrero said that on Friday and Saturday Mallorca will be under the effects of a mass of African air, which will raise temperatures.

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“The normal maximum value in July is 30º and in August it is 31º. Therefore, if 34º or 35º are abnormally high values for the summer months, the situation is even more exceptional for the end of April”, said the delegate and spokesperson for the Aemet in the Islands. The maximum temperatures will be between 13º-14º higher than usual for this time of year.

And the island’s beaches will undoubtedly become one of the refuges where Mallorcans will try to cope with the heat.
The sea water temperature is 18ºC; 2ºC above what is usually the norm at this time of year. In addition, it is important to take into account a series of measures against the extreme heat, as this abrupt rise in temperatures can be harmful to health, especially for the most vulnerable people.

The Aemet delegate has forecast that there will be a radical change in the weather on Sunday.
Temperatures are expected to drop by around 10º, meaning that maximum temperatures will not exceed 24º-26º.
Even so, they will still be above the normal values for this time of year, which are 21º.