The Balearics is on storm alert for much of this week. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Mallorca has started September with a bang thanks to thunderstorms and isolated outbreaks of heavy rain which has caused some flooding leading to people having to be reused from their vehicles. And today,the El Racó Balear de la Meteorologia weather website posted a video of a suspected tornado over the area of Algaida although at the time it had not hit the ground as the unsettled weather continued.

Today, the Balearic delegation of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has taken stock of the month of August in the Balearics, which it described as “very warm” and “very rainy” due to the weather front that affected the islands in the middle of the month.

The Balearics recorded an average temperature of 26.4ºC, which represents an average increase of 1ºC, according to data provided by Aemet. The month was warm in Menorca and very warm in the rest of the islands, with average temperatures of 26.3ºC in Menorca -+0.8ºC of thermal anomaly-, 26.4ºC in Mallorca -+1ºC-, 27.1ºC in Ibiza -+1.3ºC- and 27.7ºC in Formentera -+1.3ºC-.

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And Balearic airports have are again suffering flight delays again today due to air traffic regulations due to bad weather, according to Enaire. Enaire has warned that adverse weather is generating regulations that affect operations at airports in the east of the mainland and the Balearics.
Similarly, the airport manager Aena has indicated that the airports are suffering widespread delays since midday due to the regulations.

The forecast has forced the Balearic Emergency Service to activate Severity Index 1 (IG1) of the Meteobal Plan due to the possibility of very heavy rain and storms. The IG1 is activated when the meteorological information foresees the imminence of an adverse phenomenon with a high probability of risk to people and property and is declared in a situation in which an adverse phenomenon has occurred in localised areas, the attention of which can be ensured with the means and resources available in the affected areas but with supra-municipal monitoring.

This level of alert contemplates a pre-alert for the mobilisation of resources.It should be noted that the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) in the Balearics has also activated a yellow warning for today in the islands for rain and storms, and an orange warning in the interior of Mallorca.