News of the day 17 September 2017
News / Latest headlines
Expect rather more than a few people and a dog for the "massification" demo on 23 September.


Massification to McDonald's: the week in Majorca

The days of romantic travelling were being recalled, the tourist tax either was or wasn't going to be doubled in winter, the French were misbehaving again, and there was good news for lovers of the Big Mac.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The parade of floats in Binissalem on Saturday afternoon before the opening of the wine fair.


What's on in Majorca: 18-24 September

Binissalem wine fair at the weekend, with demons' correfoc fire-run early on Saturday morning (half one!). Cala Millor tourist fiestas start on Wednesday - correfoc and fireworks on Sunday. Palma's Fira B fair for music and the performing arts features free concerts (jazz, rock, electronica) Thursday to Saturday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

More rain coming on Monday.


Stormy weather forecast for Monday

The heaviest rain and storms are most probable in the north of the Balearic archipelago.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The price of urban land in the Balearics continues to increase.


Urban land in the Balearics second most expensive in Spain

The price of land in the Balearics is second only to the price in the Madrid region.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Mohamed Harrak was arrested in April 2016.


Alleged jihadist arrested in Palma on trial next month

Harrak maintains that he was in fact supplying information to the National Intelligence Centre.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The hoteliers have met to consider the process for electing a new president.


Hoteliers to elect new president in December

Among challenges facing a new president will be the wage negotiations, on which there is division between the smaller and larger hotel chains.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Holiday rentals

Aptur wanting all new accommodation places for rentals

Aptur: It is unfair that potential new places will not go to a type of accommodation (rentals) for which there is growing demand.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

One lane in both directions will be eliminated under the plan to "pacify" the Paseo Marítimo.


Palma Paseo Marítimo must no longer be a "highway"

Antoni Noguera: The Paseo Marítimo "must be a symbol of the Palma of the future".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Come on, grow up!

I know I touched on the issue of Catalonia yesterday but it just gets better, or more pathetic, by the day.

Humphrey Carter

Sport / Real Mallorca
Edition of 17 September 2017