News of the day 7 November 2017
News / Latest headlines
Sikh procession in Palma.


Palma’s Sikhs celebrate their founding father

Sikhs in ceremonial dress took part in a large procession from their temple in calle Albacete.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The bullfight in Palma in August this year.

Animal welfare

Balearic bullfighting law to be suspended

The Spanish cabinet is expected to authorise Prime Minister Rajoy's appeal against the law at its meeting later this week.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Podemos members of the Balearic parliament making a point.


Armengol rejects PP "radical" accusations

"It is worrying and regrettable to see that Armengol is increasingly radicalised and ever more separated from the political line of the socialist party."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma mayor Antoni Noguera making his presentation. Tourism minister Biel Barceló watching on.

Urban planning

Palma unveils win-win project

Antoni Noguera gave details about the plan for the Paseo Marítimo at the World Travel Market.

Jason Moore

Gabriel Escarrer of Meliá speaking with Palma mayor, Antoni Noguera, and tourism councillor, Joana Maria Adrover.


CEO of Meliá sounds a word of caution for 2018

Gabriel Escarrer was warning about the tourist tax and competition from other destinations.

Jason Moore

Edition of 7 November 2017