News of the day 20 April 2020
News / Latest headlines
Agreement on trying to save jobs in the hotel sector.


Hotelier and union agreement to save jobs

The agreement between unions and hotel business associations is being described as "historic".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Pancaratit via Youtube during coronavirus restrictions.


Pancaritat via YouTube because of Covid-19 restrictions

Pancaritat celebrations via social media because of Covid-19 restrictions in Majorca.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Grey views across the island


Good morning from Majorca

A grey rainy day across the island.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Majorcan rapper-in-exile, Valtonyc

The week that was

A rap for Majorca's farmers

When one thinks about it, Majorca is something of a doughnut anyway. Most of the population and development is on the coast, while there is comparatively little in the centre.

Andrew Ede

Inmates at Palma Prison demand they be released.


Is Covid-19 A Get Out Jail Free Card?

Lawyers ask that Palma Prisoners be released to prevent coronavirus infection.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Online weddings legalised in New York State.


I do, I do, I do

New York Governor legalises online weddings.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

35 Balearic Port & Aiport passengers have Covid-19 symptoms.


Port & Airport Checks for Covid-19

35 people who arrived in the Balearic Islands by boat or plane before April 16 had Covid-19 symptoms.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Some promotional spending will be reallocated to next year.


Minorca's first target for tourism - Minorca's residents

The Minorca Tourism Foundation is needing to redesign its promotional strategy.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Daily coronavirus fatalities fall below 400 in Spain.


Substantial decrease in daily coronavirus fatalities

Daily coronavirus fatalies fall below the 400 mark in Spain.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

15 new coronavirus cases in the Balearics.


Drop in new coronavirus infections

Drop in the number of coronavirus contagions in the Balearic Islands.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Wastewater in Majorca exceeds pollution limits.


Wastewater at treatment plants exceeds pollution limits

Abaqua Secretary General calls for action over wastewater pollution in Majorca.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Gabriel Escarrer of Meliá.


Meliá boss advocates European health passport

Gabriel Escarrer agrees with President Armengol about the need for the health passport.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Police launch lockdown checks from the air in Palma.


Eye In The Sky

Helicopter Unit helping to identify those who break the coronavirus restrictions in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Repair work in Cala Gamba is required.


Cala Gamba repair work has started

Repair work to the promenade wall is urgently needed.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma police arrested an individual for breach of the confinement regulations.

State of alarm

Three arrests in Majorca for breaching confinement regulations

Three arrests on Sunday; two involved attempts to attack police.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Crowdfunding project launched to save Cineciutat.


A lifeline for Cineciutat

Crowdfunding project launched to save Cineciutat in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Only to be expected that Palma's number is far higher than other municipalities.


Palma has 1,000 coronavirus cases

The government is now releasing information about coronavirus cases by municipality.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Cases of coronavirus in each municipality of Majorca

There are eight municipalities (out of the 53) with no cases.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment
Coronavirus Task Force press briefing at the White House

My Column

Trump’s lies and folly exposed

To cut funds to the World Health Organisation in the middle of a global pandemic, in which the WHO is playing a central role, is not only wicked but stupid.

Donald Trelford


End in sight?

“There is light at the end of the tunnel but it is a long tunnel and the light is very faint...”

Jason Moore


Exit strategy

“The government should explain its exit strategy once and for all...”

Jason Moore


Crunch week for Spain

Spain could be nearing the end of phase one, but phase two may be more complicated.

Humphrey Carter

Holiday / Lifestyle
AVOCADO & STRAWBERRY SALAD with Avocado & Sherry Vinaigrette


Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca

Would you like to try an outrageously healthy salad you have never tried before?

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Claire (right) next to the winner Thomas Frake and the two other finalists David Rickett and Sandy Trag and presenters John Torode and Gregg Wallace.


“I’ll be on the first flight out to Majorca”

The Sunday Interview Humphrey Carter talks to interior designer and landscape artist Claire Fyfe who came fourth in this year’s MasterChef and loves Majorca as much as she does cooking.

Humphrey Carter

Lemon-herb crusted chicken schnitzels with tzatziki & salad leaves

Food & Fosh

Time to reminisce…

A whole chicken is such a valuable and versatile ingredient, and if you get a little creative, it can easily supply fast, tasty meals for 3-4 days easily.

Marc Fosh

Orange tree


Gardening in Majorca

Most of the orange and some varieties of lemon will have already ripened and been picked with abundant flower already on the trees.

Dorothy Loeffler

Ron and Viv Larkin

Humans of Majorca

Humans of Majorca has pleasure in introducing you to Ron and Viv Larkin

Today, my ‘Humans of Majorca’ are two of the great people working to support and encourage the faithful and the seekers in Majorca.

Shirley Roberts

Ray Fleming passes away


Goodbye dear friend

Bulletin editor Jason Moore pays tribute to editorial adviser and columnist Ray Fleming who died yesterday of natural causes.

Jason Moore

Edition of 19 April 2020