News of the day 20 May 2020
News / Latest headlines
Palma, Majorca


Good Morning from Majorca

Majorca hot and sunny on Wednesday. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Inter-island flights are minimal at present.


Government seeking Phase 2 inter-island travel without restriction

Free movement between provinces (and islands) is currently not envisaged until the "new normality" in June.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Masks compulsory in Spain from Thursday.

State of alarm

Masks are mandatory from Thursday

Everyone over 6 years old must wear a face mask in enclosed spaces and on the streets from this Thursday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Lower rents and premises for traspaso.


Commercial rents coming down by up to 15%

An increasing number of establishments are up for traspaso.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Graffiti on tourist accommodation in Palma.


Storm of protest over Airbnb ruling

The High Court Ruling in favour of Airbnb causes confusion, disbelief and anger.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

More cable for Minorca.


A million euros for Minorca electricity cable

Over seven kilometres of new medium-voltage cable.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Artiem Carlos Hotel was turned into a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients.


Minorca temporary hospital to close in early June

The Artiem Carlos had capacity for up to 44 patients.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

2020 Summer School Program begins in July.


Summer School Registration is now open

Registration is now open for the Summer School Program in the Balearic Islands

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Healthcare workers


Coronavirus figures continue to fluctuate

Coronavirus figures continue to fluctuate in the Balearic Islands but maintain a downward trend.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Balearics minister for productive sectors, Juan Pedro Yllanes.


Thirty-one companies offering to manufacture protective material

Manufacturers of protective material will receive government assistance.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The protest outside the government's headquarters on Wednesday.


Protest against government urgent measures decree

GOB and other organisations protested against a "blank cheque" for the tourism industry.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Beach in Magalluf


All you need to know about the weather in Majorca on Wednesday

Wednesday has been a very hot day in the north of Majorca.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A doctor is disinfected after a consultation at El Torito de Moratalaz Health Centre.


Fewer than 100 Covid-19 fatalities for a 4th day

Coronavirus deaths stay under 100 for a fourth day in Spain.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Hot and sunny in Majorca just in time for Phase 2.


Hot and sunny in Majorca

Summer has arrived and from Monday we can all go to the beach and swim in the sea as Phase 2 begins!

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

In Congress on Wednesday.

State of alarm

Government secures 15-day extension to the state of alarm

The extension will be until 7 June; Pedro Sánchez hinted that yet another extension may be sought.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment
Couples during lockdown

Frank Confidential

Never a crossed word during lockdown - I don't believe it!

Have you noticed that couples in a new relationship never bicker?

Frank Leavers

Alberto Garzón.

The Blog

Right but wrong: Garzón on tourism

The real problem with what Garzón has had to say is, in my view, the fact that he is a communist.

Andrew Ede


A poignant reminder

The introduction of obligatory masks will remind many this is far from over yet.

Humphrey Carter


Vulnerability of tourism

“The Spanish productive fabric is in a position of greater vulnerability ... as a result of the crisis”.

Andrew Ede

Holiday / Lifestyle
Catalonian fricandó consists of thin slices of veal sautéed in olive oil and braised.

Food For Thought

Foreign connections in Catalonian dishes

The flat greixonera that is best for this dish can be bought at weekly markets all over the island.

Andrew Valente

Eve, Rosemary and Sandra

Majorca Mallorca

Back on track!

The team from the Allen Graham Charity have had more than their fair share of drama during the last two months.

Vicki McLeod

Notes from the classroom

Making it Happen from June to September

Accordingly a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework. Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931)

Julie Holdsworth

Edition of 20 May 2020