News of the day 20 October 2020
News / Latest headlines
Menorca beach


Tourism voucher scheme for Balearic residents postponed

It has been decided to postpone the launch because the health situation is currently not ideal.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter



Mallorca Weather Forecast for Tuesday

It's a lovely sunny day in Mallorca with occasional clouds and very strong winds in some places. To view the weather in real time from our webcams all over the island, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma, Majorca.


Mallorca's debt mountain

The Government has estimated that it will borrow 1,207 million euros to pay off debts in the coming years.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Llaüt 'Balear'.


Sailing the old way in Mallorca

Free trips aboard the Llaüt 'Balear' every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until November.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Healthcare Professional giving flu jab.


Risk Groups in Mallorca urged to get flu jab

Those who are not in risk groups will be able to get a flu jab after December 4 if there are any doses left.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Police control in Aranda (Burgos)


Spain's regions tighten COVID-19 measures as 1 million case milestone looms

"It's likely that in winter if we don't take great care with precautionary measures the infection rate will increase again."


PIMEM-Cátering Association, Palma.


Record losses in Mallorca's Catering Sector

The Association is calling for Union regularisation and protocols that provide maximum health and safety guarantees.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Pedro Comas, former editor of Ultima Hora newspaper, Mallorca


Death of Pedro Comas, former editor of Ultima Hora

Pedro Comas was editor of Ultima Hora for thirty years.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Francina Armengol, President of the Government in Parliament.


Tighter restrictions in Mallorca & Ibiza

“This measure is tough and takes us away from those we love the most, but we know that social contacts are the origin of many infections, which we must avoid.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Rafa Nadal at the V Hexagonal Circuit Test-Autovidal at the T-Golf & Country Club in Calvia.


Rafa Nadal shows off his other skills in Calvia

Rafa is one of the top golfers in the Balearic Islands and now has a handicap of +0.3.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The clocks change in Mallorca this weekend!

The European Commission has hinted that it might be the last time we change the clocks.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Margalida Mandilego Juan.


Andratx woman celebrates milestone

“I think it's a lie that I have turned 100, the years have passed so quickly..”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A woman holds a small bottle labeled with a 'Vaccine COVID-19' sticker and a medical syringe


Spain to receive 31.6 million doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

The supply of the potential vaccine makes part of a European Union scheme.


Testing in Mahon, Menorca


Balearics coronavirus figures for Tuesday

The test rate is still above five per cent.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma Mallorca speed limit


PP demanding removal of 30kph sign by the Palacio de Congresos

The speed sign is "reckless" and will cause "confusion".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Health Minister Sanidad, Salvador Illa during a press conference


Spain considers curfews to fight new coronavirus wave

Spain is likely to surpass one million infections this week.


Spain's prime minister, Pedro Sánchez

State of alarm

Sánchez cools talk of a curfew at national level

The Balearic government has said that it is not currently considering asking for a curfew.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Danger ahead

“Surely now is not the time to push ahead with Brexit...there are big dangers”

Jason Moore


Balearic Covid conundrum

"It will be interesting to see how the Balearics reacts to a new national tier scheme.."

Humphrey Carter

Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer

Sunday Essay

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the…!

The truth is nobody ever appreciates the way that bad news is relayed to them.

Frank Leavers

Holiday / Lifestyle
Tardor volunteers

Majorca Mallorca

Tales from the hunger queue

How can we help?

Vicki McLeod

Ricardo Sicre out at sea

Enjoying Majorca

Mallorca: A nest of spies

Almost to this day 27 years ago, Ricardo Sicre Cerdá, aka Richard Stickler, died at his home in Palma. Originally from Barcelona, he was a republican who fled Spain.

Andrew Ede

General view of Soller village

Spotlight on Soller

Leave the door open Soller – I’m coming in…

Keeping an open mind on everything is the way I walk through life.

Shirley Roberts

Year 5 students at Queen’s College

Junior Bulletin

Back to school at Queen’s College

Year 5 students have been studying the mythical creatures of Ancient Greece.

Queen's College

Sport / Real Mallorca
Referee Sanchez Lopez tells the players to behave!

Fan's View

Ten-man Mallorca happy with 0-0 draw

Mirandes are a rejuvenated young team this season and Mallorca found them tough nuts to crack.

Monro Bryce

Edition of 20 October 2020