News of the day 6 January 2021
News / Latest headlines
Weather warning for frost and icy roads.

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Frost and icy roads in Mallorca on Wednesday

Drivers are urged to check their tyres, antifreeze and brakes before starting out on their journey and pay close attention to traffic signs. To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Villa in Santa Eulària, Ibiza


UK continues to be Spain's largest foreign home-buying market

There was a 22% fall in foreign home purchases between January and September.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Three Kings arriving in Moll Vell, Palma.

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The Three Kings bring joy to Mallorca

The Three Kings treat the children of Mallorca to a magical day, despite the strict coronavirus measures.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

'Pere Garau Edition' of Monopoly.

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'Pere Garau Edition' of Monopoly

The protestors claim warned that Cort’s project “will attract speculation and gentrification.."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Mass testing in es Rafal, Palma.

Latest headlines

Palma could be under lockdown from Monday

The Ministry of Health is insisting that the Government follow the example set by other Autonomous Communities where harsh confinements are being decreed to try to combat infection.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Covid-19 screening in Soller.

Latest headlines

Son Rapinya residents furious over Covid testing location

The Son Rapinya Covid tests are being held at the Son Cotoner Sports Centre on the opposite side of the Via de Cintura.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

'Stolen Babies' Demonstration in Mallorca.

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Dozens of alleged 'Stolen Baby' cases to be investigated in Spain

"This admission to proceedings is a big step forward for the victims..” ​​

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

El Niño lottery win in Mallorca

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El Niño lottery first prize won in Mallorca

The first time there has been a first prize in the Balearics for 23 years.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Esporles, Mallorca.

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Three King's Night Weather Update

Check tyres, antifreeze and brakes before starting out on a journey and pay close attention to traffic signs. To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Frost in Sant Llorenç des Cardassar, Mallorca.

Latest headlines

Mallorca Weather Forecast for Thursday

There's virtually no chance of escaping the heavy rain in Mallorca today so don't leave home without your umbrella! To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Difficult times

“The UK lockdown has dashed any hopes of a quick tourism revival..”

Jason Moore


Mallorca’s digital chance

"Mallorca may be cut off from much of the world, but why not look to the mainland?"

Humphrey Carter

Snow in the mountains


New Year angst: plus, watching the weather and January japes

Frank Leavers talks about some of the New Year' s resolutions and the weather.

Frank Leavers

Holiday / Lifestyle
The crêpes, so easy yet so difficult


Crêpes: so easy yet so difficult

Andrew Valente reveals some clues about the mysterious origin of crêpes and pancakes.

Andrew Valente

The quinoa and vegetables at Bon Lloc


The Best dishes of the Year - Part 6

Here is a review of the year of the restaurants our Bulletin Restaurant Critic visited. Find out the verdict received for their dishes.

Andrew Valente

Puig de sa Morisca


Guggenheim it isn’t

The museums must make a real assessment of their contribution, especially to the diversification of the tourist product.

Andrew Ede

Edition of 6 January 2021