Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

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Mallorca's tourism sustainability pact - Where is it going?

The ambitions for the social and political pact for sustainability are that it will lead to economic transformation. Will it?

Andrew Ede 22/12/2024 08:32


Mallorca events: What's On from Monday to Thursday

Tuesday, Christmas Eve, brings the traditional Matins, with the "Cant de la Sibil·la" and other ceremonies across the island.

Andrew Ede 22/12/2024 00:53

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Two-year sentence for Palma pyromaniac

He started four fires in the space of half an hour.

Andrew Ede 20/12/2024 09:47

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A luxury 'castle' of events in Mallorca - but does it have the necessary licence?

A licence has been issued, but it is being challenged as planning regulations only allow residential use.

Andrew Ede 20/12/2024 08:34

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Friday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, 20 December.

Andrew Ede 19/12/2024 19:02

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The 'double life' of the man accused of the Marratxi murder

Sebastián confessed to his girlfriend that he had killed Federico.

Andrew Ede 19/12/2024 17:57

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'Free' public transport in the Balearics for the first six months of 2025

The Spanish Government intends to gradually reduce the universality of the funding for free transport.

Andrew Ede 19/12/2024 16:39

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Balearic Government open to a reduction in the working week

But the government stresses the need for caution, as the Balearic economy is "intensive in services".

Andrew Ede 19/12/2024 08:30