Humphrey Carter
Humphrey Carter


Deputy Editor

Oxford-born Humphrey Carter joined the Bulletin in 1994 as a photographer, having studied photography, film and psychology in the UK. After having travelled the world and worked in many fields, within months of joining the Bulletin he secured exclusive access to Australia’s most wanted man in Mallorca and ran with the story for the following ten years for the local and international media. He was made Deputy Editor in 1997 and has been sent on numerous overseas assignments - he fronted the multi-media coverage of Real Mallorca’s European football campaign. His work has been featured on the front pages of newspapers and magazines around the world and is a regular commentator for leading international media outlets, in particular television and radio.

Coronavirus news

Viewpoint: Getting youngsters jabbed

The Balearics is not alone in trying to tempt young people to get vaccinated.

Humphrey Carter 10/09/2021 10:34

Majorca tourism

Viewpoint: Mallorca is the champion

While Spain struggled to revive tourism, Mallorca has topped the Euro league.

Humphrey Carter 09/09/2021 10:44

Majorca tourism

Travel traffic light could be switched off in October

The British government is thinking about scrapping the travel traffic lights system.

Humphrey Carter 09/09/2021 10:23


Viewpoint: Boris bunkers down

Boris Johnson has a number of battles on all fronts but he is trying to dodge the bullet.

Humphrey Carter 08/09/2021 10:54


Viewpoint: Beach battle in Mallorca

Private beaches are illegal but some hotels have a different point of view.

Humphrey Carter 07/09/2021 09:47

Majorca tourism

"Mallorca is a global brand which sells itself, it’s the perfect location"

Harry Engels talks about the Mallorca Football Tournament, which will kick off on October 14.

Humphrey Carter 05/09/2021 17:26


Viewpoint: The end of bank branches

It looks like banks have failed to properly recover from the great crash in 2008.

Humphrey Carter 04/09/2021 09:39


Viewpoint: Spain’s power rip off

Why can’t the Spanish government step in and stop the electricity price scandal?

Humphrey Carter 03/09/2021 10:18

Majorca tourism

Viewpoint: Balearics gets it right

No government got handling the pandemic right but perhaps the Balearics did OK.

Humphrey Carter 02/09/2021 11:02


Viewpoint: Mallorca on the big screen

Mallorca is becoming a natural film studio for global productions.

Humphrey Carter 01/09/2021 09:43


Viewpoint: Full marks to Spain

This week, 70 percent of the Spanish population could have had the full vaccine.

Humphrey Carter 31/08/2021 10:14

Latest headlines

Mallorca’s collection of universal jewellery

Interview with internationally renowned goldsmith and jewellery designer Chus Burés.

Humphrey Carter 28/08/2021 15:11


Viewpoint: Clean up Palma

Residents and business people in various parts of the city are complaining.

Humphrey Carter 28/08/2021 09:54


Viewpoint: Palma bars short changed

Hundreds of establishments are still waiting to get their money back from the council.

Humphrey Carter 27/08/2021 09:54

Latest headlines

The Afghan Royal Marine veteran who Mallorca put on the path to glory

Interview with Andy Grant, who suffered terrible injuries in Afghanistan and whose recovery was aided by a holiday invitation to Mallorca.

Humphrey Carter 21/08/2021 15:46

Latest headlines

Balearic hoteliers under pressure not to raise their prices for next season

Tour operators and hoteliers are engaged in negotiating new contracts for next season.

Humphrey Carter 21/08/2021 11:16


Viewpoint: Catalonia and Scotland

Madrid and London had a deal to block independence, that has now changed.

Humphrey Carter 20/08/2021 10:18

Majorca tourism

Viewpoint: The tourist cocktail

There may be far fewer than usual but I’m meeting some new nationalities.

Humphrey Carter 19/08/2021 10:05

Majorca tourism

British visitors to Spain getting nervous over new traffic light

British holidaymakers are now starting to get worried about what could happen when the next review is carried out on August 25.

Humphrey Carter 18/08/2021 12:30


Viewpoint: Vaccines are the future

Spain is now leading Europe’s vaccine roll out while the UK appears to have stalled.

Humphrey Carter 18/08/2021 10:11