Jason Moore
Jason Moore


Managing Editor

Jason Moore joined the Bulletin straight from school as a junior reporter after being educated at international schools on the island in 1988. As a news reporter he worked closely with our Spanish stablemate Última Hora and was sent on numerous foreign assignments including Boston and London. He became Deputy Editor in 1996 and Editor in 1997. In 2018 he was appointed Managing editor with the additional responsibility of sales and advertising. In 2022 he oversaw the transformation of the Bulletin into an online publication and the launch of the new Mallorca Bulletin. Born in Cambridge in 1970, he moved to Mallorca aged 5 and was educated at Bellver International College and Kings College. In 2012 he received a special award from the Calvia Council on the Bulletin’s 50th anniversary. He has written articles for most of the leading UK newspapers and has often worked as a pundit on British and Spanish television and radio programmes.


Real Mallorca's promotion

It is good news for the island that Real Mallorca are back in business.

Jason Moore 29/05/2018 00:00


Majorca needing luck

The doubling of the rate of the tourist tax is causing some problems.

Jason Moore 27/05/2018 00:00


Rajoy in trouble

The Spanish government is in deep trouble and it could fall.

Jason Moore 26/05/2018 00:00


Anti-tourism reporting

Reading some reports in the British press you get the impression that tourists are almost under siege.

Jason Moore 24/05/2018 00:00


Podemos woes

Pablo Iglesias and his partner are said to be betraying their left-wing principles.

Jason Moore 23/05/2018 00:00


The royal wedding

It was great publicity for Britain and showed the country in a great light.

Jason Moore 22/05/2018 00:00


Come clean on the tourist tax

Tourist tax cash for tourist projects.

Jason Moore 17/05/2018 00:00


The Catalonia question

The only way forward is to hold a legally binding referendum.

Jason Moore 16/05/2018 00:00


Booze tourism

Heavy fines could be introduced for those businesses which serve people who are already "under the influence".

Jason Moore 15/05/2018 00:00


Speaking the language

I do not understand why the issue of Catalan/Majorcan is back in the headlines.

Jason Moore 13/05/2018 00:00


Doubling the tourist tax

Doubling the rate of the tourist tax was a step too far.

Jason Moore 12/05/2018 00:00


Holiday season

Local businesses are complaining about a drop in profits.

Jason Moore 10/05/2018 00:00


The rise of Ciudadanos

The newly formed Ciudadanos party now has a hold over Spanish politics.

Jason Moore 09/05/2018 00:00


The problem with the weather

Let’s face it, if the sun is not shining then Majorca is in trouble.

Jason Moore 08/05/2018 00:00


Travel free

If British citizens need visas to visit Spain, then work must start at once.

Jason Moore 04/05/2018 00:00


Tourist tax information

I do not understand why tourists are being kept in the dark.

Jason Moore 03/05/2018 00:00


The tourist message

The local authorities must ensure they get the right message across.

Jason Moore 29/04/2018 00:00


Economic dream

The Balearic economy is enjoying record economic growth.

Jason Moore 28/04/2018 00:00


The nautical industry

The local nautical industry deserves praise for a job well done.

Jason Moore 27/04/2018 00:00


The old guard

The old guard of Spanish politics is under threat from newcomers.

Jason Moore 26/04/2018 00:00