Etiqueta 'Alcudia Mallorca'
Police in Alcudia, Mallorca

Police in Alcudia, Mallorca

Police and medics were unable to save the man.

MDB 02/01/2024

Residents at a meeting of Alcudia council in Mallorca

Latest headlines

Consensus sought for route of mainland electricity cable in Alcudia

Residents' representatives had a meeting with the mayor and Balearic government officials on Thursday.

Andrew Ede22/12/2023 07:42

Police alcohol control in Mallorca

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Alcudia has the most drink driving offences in Mallorca

Over the Christmas period, police controls to check on driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs are stepped up.

Andrew Ede16/12/2023 08:44

Sant Jaume Church in Alcudia, Mallorca

Sant Jaume Church in Alcudia, Mallorca

Sant Jaume Church in Alcudia.

Archive 31/10/2023

Alcudia and the bay, Mallorca

Alcudia and the bay, Mallorca

View of Alcudia and the bay.

Gaspar Valero 25/10/2023

The road bridge along the Avenida Pedro Mas y Reus in Alcudia

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Alcudia and the bridge of sighs

The road bridge on Avda. Pedro Mas y Reus is a hazard.

Andrew Ede23/10/2023 11:54

Incident in Alcudia, Mallorca

Incident in Alcudia, Mallorca

An image of the incident.

Policia Local d'Alcudia 14/10/2023