Etiqueta 'Balearic Government'
MAGALUF. TURISMO. Magaluf cierra el mes de julio con números que anticipan su mejor temporada turística. Buenos registros Tant


The Brits are coming to Mallorca next year

What is very clear this year is that the Brits love Mallorca and they will continue to travel to the island.

Jason Moore29/12/2023 07:00

Balearic Government budget approval


Government in minority in the Balearics

Prohens must just hope that Vox’s wish list gets shorter otherwise she has a big problem.

Jason Moore22/12/2023 09:42

Balearic Government budget approval

Balearic Government budget approval

Even though the Partido Popular of Marga Prohens were victorious in the local elections they failed to gain an overall majority leaving the far-right Vox as the matchmakers.

miquel angel canellas 19/12/2023

Marga Prohens came to power earlier this year


When left means right

No radical change in government policy, easy to miss the change in Balearic government.

Jason Moore15/12/2023 10:14

At a tax office in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Promise of some tax cuts as Balearic government finalises its budget

The Partido Popular and Vox have settled their differences, meaning that the 2024 budget can now be presented.

Andrew Ede06/11/2023 09:30

The time has come to ditch the tourist tax


Don’t tax tourists in the Balearics

“The tourist industry already pays enough tax. The time has come to scrap the tourist tax...”

Jason Moore28/09/2023 15:16

Marga Prohens of the Partido Popular and Jorge Campos of Vox

Marga Prohens of the Partido Popular and Jorge Campos of Vox

Marga Prohens of the Partido Popular and Jorge Campos of Vox at the session for constituting parliament.

Jaume Morey 28/06/2023