Etiqueta 'Balearics'
Hoteliers paint picture of doom and gloom over tourist tax

Tourist tax

Hoteliers paint picture of doom and gloom over tourist tax

Biel Barceló’s announcement of the tax’s “application” in 2016 has come as a surprise to many within the tourist industry.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/09/2015 00:00

Balearics: top low-cost region in Spain


Balearics: top low-cost region in Spain

Balearics were ahead of Andalusia (14.5%) but some distance behind Catalonia with over 28%.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/09/2015 00:00

Tourist tax will come into force for next summer, says minister

Tourist tax

Tourist tax will come into force for next summer, says minister

Barceló said that he was convinced that a good part of the tourism industry was itself convinced of the need for the tax.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/09/2015 00:00

The Balearic government launches drive against tax fraud.


Balearic government planning massive crackdown on tax fraud

Annual revenue from tackling tax fraud had been between 35 and 45 million euros under the previous government.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/09/2015 00:00

The rich are getting richer in the Balearics


The rich are getting richer in the Balearics

The Wealth Tax in the Balearics applies to residents with assets worth more than one million euros.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/09/2015 00:00

Severe flooding in Palma.


One million euros compensation for Balearic flood damage

Number of claims are in fact significantly lower than when there was torrential rain and flooding in September 2012.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/09/2015 00:00

From one of the many protests that have been staged against oil prospecting.


Government calls on oil companies to give up prospecting

Prospecting rejected because of the "irreversible impact that it would have on the environment and on Balearic society".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/09/2015 00:00

Peter Frankhauser, right, at presentation in Palma.


Thomas Cook says no to the tax

Visitors will stop coming if they have to pay one or two euros more a day for the tax.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter10/09/2015 00:00

The President of the Balearics, Francina Armengol, in Parliament today.


Madrid and Palma to meet to discuss Balearic financing

Armengol and the regional finance minister, Catalina Cladera, assured the leader of the El Pi party, Jaume Font, that the government plans to spend in a better way.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/09/2015 00:00


Choosing battles wisely

Of course, Podemos isn’t actually in government. Not formally. But it exerts enormous power.

Andrew Ede09/09/2015 00:00

Balearics could take in 300 refugees


Balearics could take in 300 refugees

The proposal was made during an extraordinary meeting of the conference on immigration in Madrid. 

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/09/2015 00:00

The Balearics are cruising


The Balearics are cruising

These figures, all showing upward trends, confirm that growth in Spain’s yachting industry is in line with international markets and the expansion of the national economy.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/09/2015 00:00

Francina Armengol (left) and Marga Prohens prior to their meeting this morning.


PP calls on Armengol not to raise taxes

Prohens was the first to meet Armengol during a morning round of discussions with party leaders and spokespeople prior to the restarting of parliamentary business.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/09/2015 00:00

Almost a million Balearic cruise passengers up until July


Almost a million Balearic cruise passengers up until July

Spain received 4.29 million cruise ship passengers in the first seven months of the year, an increase of over 11%.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/09/2015 00:00