Etiqueta 'Bar restaurant terraces'
Restaurant terraces in Palma, Mallorca

Restaurant terraces in Palma, Mallorca

Terraces have to stay within limits stipulated in licences.

Miquel À. Cañellas 16/06/2022

Restaurant terrace in Mallorca

Restaurant terrace in Mallorca

The collapse of tourism took the rest of the economy with it.

Europa Press 03/10/2021

Bars in Palma, Mallorca have had to remove temporary terraces

Bars in Palma, Mallorca have had to remove temporary terraces

Bar Estadio, no longer with a temporary terrace.

Gemma Marchena 01/10/2021

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

A high seasonal element in Mallorca's business registrations.

Teresa Ayuga 19/09/2021

Palma Mallorca bar with temporary terrace

Palma Mallorca bar with temporary terrace

The temporary terrace at Bar Vicens will have to be removed.

Pilar Pellicer 15/09/2021

A temporary terrace in Palma, Mallorca

A temporary terrace in Palma, Mallorca

The terraces on parking spaces threw a lifeline to bars without terraces.

Archive 14/09/2021

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Up to twelve people will be permitted at a terrace table.

Miquel À. Cañellas 30/08/2021

Terrace in Mallorca

Terrace in Mallorca

Hotel occupancy is still low.

Emilio Queirolo 02/06/2021

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Some 80% of contracts in May were temporary.

Europa Press 02/06/2021

Temporary terraces occupying parking spaces in Palma, Mallorca

Temporary terraces occupying parking spaces in Palma, Mallorca

Some 1,300 terraces have been created.

Miquel A. Cañellas 30/05/2021

In pedestrianised areas, terraces cannot expand.

Bars and restaurants

Over 180 increased terraces in Palma will have to go

The terraces in question are mainly in squares, where space for pedestrians has been reduced as a result.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/07/2020 07:25