Etiqueta 'Bar restaurant terraces'
Calvia mayor Alfonso Rodríguez.

Bars and restaurants

Increased size for Calvia bar and restaurant terraces

The town hall is due to unveil further measures to help businesses next week.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/05/2020 12:39

The Restaurants Association is positive about new arrangements being made for terraces.

Bars and restaurants

Positive talks about Palma's terraces

The restaurants association appreciates a town hall change of attitude regarding terraces.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/05/2020 15:23

Terraces will soon reopen, but only with 30% occupancy.

Bars and restaurants

Parking spaces could be used for increasing Palma terraces

Using parking spaces is made complicated by the likelihood that people will prefer to use cars and not buses.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/04/2020 13:08

Increasing terrace size is being contemplated on health grounds.

Bars and restaurants

Palma residents federation against terrace increases

The federation believes that requests to increase terraces are "absurd" and "selfish".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/04/2020 15:50

Terraces are going to have to be adapted for health reasons.

Bars and restaurants

PP wanting Palma terraces' rethink

Bars and restaurants are likely to face further expense because of health requirements.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/04/2020 16:10

Awnings are supposed to be replaced replacing with non-anchored umbrellas


Terrace awning war flares up again in Palma

CAEB has asked Palma City Council for an urgent response to its request saying “the decisions of the present will affect hundreds of small entrepreneurs in the near future.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/12/2019 09:55

Plaça Cort, well populated with terraces.


Palma terraces cut by at least 79

The new bylaw regulating terraces came into force in July 2018 but was not applied until this year.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/06/2019 06:56