Palma’s Green Patrol police unit to be broken up
Following the most recent scandals arising from the activities of some members of this unit, it is to be replaced by a new unit with greater control and supervision.
Police witnesses in Palma corruption case being intimated
One of these witnesses has apparently been threatened and the electricity supply to his home was cut off.
Police corruption and Balearic budget: the week in the Bulletin
It was police week in The Bulletin. Police for all the wrong reasons. And the Balearic budget for 2016 was announced; it will be the highest ever.
Special protection for witnesses in Palma police corruption investigation
Witnesses might be “got at” and pressurised into changing statements.
Civil servants could be caught up in Palma police corruption scandal
It is believed that one of the arrested police officers acted as an intermediary between the town hall and another of those arrested.
Detention without bail for five Palma police officers
Palma town hall announced today that the councillor for citizen security is going to assume some of the force’s responsibilities.
Palma arrests turn the spotlight on resort police forces
Balearic government admits that there is a “lack of stability” in some of the local police forces.
Nine serving Palma local police officers arrested
Investigators were made aware of a number of leaks in the force, so they mounted the operation a day early.