Etiqueta 'Magalluf'
Fight in Magalluf, Mallorca

Fight in Magalluf, Mallorca

The fight outside the pub in Magalluf.


Magaluf, Mallorca

Magaluf, Mallorca

Magalluf - where VPO social housing is already being developed.

Jaume Morey 12/02/2022

Hotel pool, Magalluf, Mallorca

Hotel pool, Magalluf, Mallorca

The incident occurred by a Magalluf hotel pool.


Britons arrested in Magaluf, Mallorca

Britons arrested in Magaluf, Mallorca

The four were detained by the Guardia Civil.

Michel's 16/01/2022

Magaluf in Mallorca - how it has changed

Magaluf in Mallorca - how it has changed

Magalluf - now a "mature resort"; and how it once was.

@Terraferida 17/12/2021

Clean-up at wetland in Magalluf, Mallorca

Clean-up at wetland in Magalluf, Mallorca

The second clean-up day.

Ajuntament de Calvia 25/11/2021