Wednesday's weather in Mallorca - Christmas Day looking good
The forecast for Mallorca for Wednesday, December 20.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Forecast for Christmas Eve at present - sunny with a high of 19C.
Food and drink for a Mallorca Christmas 23% more expensive than two years ago
Popular food for Christmas, such as suckling pig, is well up in price.
Christmas meal in Mallorca
Company bookings are more usually by department these days.
Increase in Christmas bookings for Mallorca's restaurants
The 'season' for Christmas lunches and dinners is longer than it used to be.
Life's a beach in Mallorca in December, wish you were here!
Photos: Miguel Angel Cañellas
Springlike December in Mallorca, but temperatures will plummet
Too early to say what the Christmas weather might be.
400 National Police officers for Palma Christmas 'safe trade'
Increased risk of crime over the Christmas shopping period.
Calling all Santas! Mass gathering in Palma on Saturday: Xmas What's On
Don't forget to wear your Santa suit.
Schedule for the Christmas lights in Palma on Thursday
At present, the weather forecast for Thursday doesn't look too bad.
Things to do in the run up to Christmas
Looking for something special to do in the next few weeks?
Christmas dining in Mallorca
Increased demand for Christmas Eve dining.
Christmas cheer for Mallorca's restaurants
Unprecedented level of early bookings for businesses' Christmas lunches and dinners.
Scrooge! Festive flights up by 50 percent
But then it happens every year - as demand increases, so do prices.
Christmas is coming ... and Palma has a date for its lights
Contracting for the lights is being processed urgently.
Christmas is coming ... and Palma wants more visitors to its markets
Redesign of market stalls and creating more of an atmosphere.
Palma hotels drop prices as demand stalls
Over 80% of hotels in the city are currently open.
Too soon for Christmas?
Ever since I can remember I have been a devout member of ‘Team Tinsel’, and strive to get my tree up as early as physically possible.
Peter Clover17/11/2023 12:53