Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
Passengers in a bus in Palma, Mallorca

Passengers in a bus in Palma, Mallorca

Passengers are being asked to keep quiet.

Archive 13/01/2021


Action This Day

“It is a time for action; bring in the army with their logistical expertise to distribute the vaccine..”

Jason Moore11/01/2021 10:24

President Armengol of the Balearics during a videoconference

President Armengol of the Balearics during a videoconference

President Armengol held a videoconference with mayors on Sunday.

Govern de les Illes Balears 10/01/2021

People in a street in Palma, Mallorca

People in a street in Palma, Mallorca

Infection is spreading much more rapidly.

Jaume Morey 10/01/2021

Parking in Mallorca's Tramuntana Mountains

Latest headlines

When all else fails, close the bars: the week in Mallorca

Social relaxation was to blame, a mountain municipality was in danger of collapse, and stability just kept on rising.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/01/2021 14:20

Joana Maria Adrover, Security Councillor.

Latest headlines

City council backs Palma lockdown

The President of the Government Francina Armengol has confirmed that experts are now seriously considering the Ministry of Health’s recommendation.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/01/2021 15:10