Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
Mass testing in es Rafal, Palma.

Latest headlines

Palma could be under lockdown from Monday

The Ministry of Health is insisting that the Government follow the example set by other Autonomous Communities where harsh confinements are being decreed to try to combat infection.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/01/2021 11:20


Mallorca losing control

"Hordes of people bracing the cold and packing out the terraces during the day for longer than usual lunches.."

Humphrey Carter05/01/2021 11:59

Members of the Partido Popular in the Balearics

Members of the Partido Popular in the Balearics

The PP have registered a motion of Covid-related measures. 04/01/2021

FAN Mallorca Shopping in Palma

FAN Mallorca Shopping in Palma

FAN Mallorca Shopping was busy on Monday.

Miquel À. Cañellas 04/01/2021

Son Llàtzer Hospital Intensive Care Unit, Palma.

Latest headlines

Latest Balearic coronavirus figures

There are now 337 patients on the Covid ward and 95 in the ICU, putting hospitals under mounting pressure.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/01/2021 14:02

ERTE negotiations for workers in Spain.


Negotiations to extend Spain's furlough scheme begin on Friday

The Government, Unions and Employers agree that the furlough scheme is still needed, especially for Sectors such as Tourism, Hospitality and Commerce.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/01/2021 11:48

More Travel Agency closures expected in 2021.

Latest headlines

Balearic Travel Agencies on the brink of total collapse

"January, February and March will be very complicated for our Sector, with the closure of offices and branches and the destruction of even more jobs,”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/01/2021 09:35

Mass Screenings in Son Ximelis-Son Roca, Palma.

Latest headlines

No new Covid-19 outbreaks related to Christmas

More than 5,000 vaccines arrived last week, but according to data only 1,356 residents and 839 Healthcare Workers at Nursing Homes have been immunised.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/01/2021 08:49

Carrefour in Palma, Mallorca

Carrefour in Palma, Mallorca

Not so much of a welcome if you're obliged to close.

Laura Becerra 02/01/2021

Son Espases Hospital, Palma.

Latest headlines

3 hospitals in Mallorca cutting back on operations

Son Llàtzer Hospital, Inca Hospital and Son Espases Hospital say the number of patients being hospitalised with coronavirus has forced a rethink.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/12/2020 15:03