News of the day 11 January 2021
News / Latest headlines
Palma, Mallorca.

Latest headlines

Mallorca Weather Forecast for Monday

The sun's out in Mallorca today but it's very windy andthere will be a few showers here and there. To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Nursing Home Healthcare Workers being immunised.

Latest headlines

Balearic vaccination programme to speed up this week

The Government is aiming to immunise 70 percent of the population by June.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Supply Trucks in Palma Port.


Storm 'Filomena' delays supplies to Mallorca

Several supermarkets owners say they've been short of fresh produce since Saturday, because so many products come through Madrid and the Iberian Peninsula.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Bars and restaurants will be allowed to open until Wednesday.

Latest headlines

Government delays "lockdown" for 24 hours

"Restrictions now come into force on Wednesday at midnight..."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Cala Sant Vicenç, Mallorca.


Spain bitter cold on the heels of Storm 'Filomena'

More bitter cold weather and a sharp drop in temperature on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Snow near the Hospital La Paz in Madrid


Spain paralysed by snowstorm, sends out vaccine, food convoys

Forecasters warned of dangerous conditions in the coming days.


National Police in Son Gotleu, Palma.


African mafia running Mallorca drug trade

20 percent of Mallorca's drug trade is controlled by Senegalese gangs and the other 80 percent is controlled by Nigerian gangs.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Warm weather in Athens


Greeks escape lockdown for the beach as winter temperatures soar

Meteorologists said the warm front, which came in on Saturday, is expected to recede in the next few days.


Ibiza raised to level 4.

Latest headlines

Ibiza elevated to Level 4 coronavirus restrictions

Screenings are being prepared in Sant Antoni and Vila to identify any positive coronavirus cases.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Víctor Sánchez, Palma.

Latest headlines

Rally against bar & restaurant closures in Palma

“Until recently I had two premises and now I only have one left.."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Only members from the same family nucleus can get together

Latest headlines

New restrictions being unveiled for Mallorca

With certain exceptions, people from different households will not be allowed to meet.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Intensive care, Mallorca

Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Monday

There are now 100 Covid patients in intensive care in Mallorca.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Empty supermarkets after opening

Latest headlines

Schools shut, supplies affected as Madrid clears record snow

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska said the situation on the roads was improving but was still "extraordinary" and many remained closed.


Deya, Mallorca

Coronavirus news

Coronavirus cases rise in 30 of Mallorca's municipalities

Up to January 5, Deya had the highest 14-day cumulative incidence of cases.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Alcampo and Decathlon, Mallorca

Coronavirus news

Mallorca businesses facing fifteen days of closure

There was heavy traffic on roads leading to shopping centres on Monday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The House of Commons during a stormy Brexit debate


"Brexpats", forgotten by the UK government

Brexpats in Spain association says British residents feel "deceived" by politicians.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma Harbour.

Latest headlines

Mallorca Weather Forecast for Tuesday

The sun is shining in Mallorca but it's not as warm as it looks so wrap up well if you're going out! To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Boats in Palma, Mallorca


British skippers will not be able to captain Spanish yachts

Bilateral and reciprocal agreements are being worked on to make matters more flexible.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Action This Day

“It is a time for action; bring in the army with their logistical expertise to distribute the vaccine..”

Jason Moore

US President Trump


Power corrupts - absolute power corrupts absolutely!!

Unfortunately, it seems to be the case nowadays that the concept of ‘democracy’ is becoming a movable-feast.

Frank Leavers

US President Donald J. Trump


My Column

"There should be a public inquiry into Wednesday’s assault on the Capitol, which is both the symbolic and actual heart of American democracy"

Donald Trelford

Holiday / Lifestyle
This recipe from Michel Roux Jr’s Le Gavroche Cookbook


Albert Roux: Culinary legend

Le Gavroche operated on a different plane and set standards of serious, classic French cooking that had not been seen for many years.

Marc Fosh

Sport / Real Mallorca
At the end, Valjent's (24) body language says it all

Real Mallorca

Mallorca in "mini crisis" after 0-1 home defeat

Despite this defeat, Mallorca reach the halfway point in the season with an impressive 42 points.

Monro Bryce

Edition of 10 January 2021