Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Bar and restaurant interiors are closed.

Teresa Ayuga 20/12/2020

Christmas in Palma, Mallorca

Christmas in Palma, Mallorca

Christmas Covid rules in Mallorca were being amended.

Miquel À. Cañellas 20/12/2020

Mass screening in Soller, Mallorca

Mass screening in Soller, Mallorca

There has been screening in Lloseta, Muro, Sa Pobla and - here - in Soller.

MDB 19/12/2020

Tighter restrictions in Mallorca from Monday.

Latest headlines

Much tougher sanctions in the Balearics

"We know people want to reunite at Christmas,” admits Minister Castro, “but this is not a normal year, it's about saving lives and we have to redouble our efforts.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/12/2020 11:56

Francina Armengol, President of the Balearic Government.

Latest headlines

Decision on new restrictions "in the next few hours"

The epidemiological situation is much better in Ibiza, Minorca and Formentera where groups of 10 are allowed and the curfew starts at 01:30.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/12/2020 09:10