Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
Barbara Rebassa, the mayor of Alcudia

Coronavirus news

Ensuring compliance with Covid measures in Alcudia

The mayor of Alcudia, and Pollensa’s mayor, had a meeting earlier this week to discuss compliance with Covid measures.

Andrew Ede21/11/2020 16:16

Health workers, Son Espases Hospital, Mallorca

Health workers, Son Espases Hospital, Mallorca

There are some 5,000 workers in all at Son Espases.

Miquel À. Cañellas 21/11/2020

Christmas in Palma, Mallorca

Christmas in Palma, Mallorca

One thing's for sure this Christmas - there won't be scenes like this.

Pere Bota 20/11/2020

Covid quick test centre.

Covid quick test centre.

Spain's incidence rate is still very high.

Fabio Frustaci 19/11/2020

Pharmacists in Palma.


Antigen tests in Pharmacies?

Galicia carried out voluntary rapid tests in pharmacies in five Municipalities in October and anyone who tested positive was given a PCR test.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/11/2020 11:13

Police operation in Palma, Mallorca

Police operation in Palma, Mallorca

Police acted against coronavirus restrictions breaches in Palma's Wifi Park.

Policia Nacional 18/11/2020

People in street in Palma Mallorca

People in street in Palma Mallorca

The coronavirus figures in the Balearics are improving.

Jaume Morey 18/11/2020

Antònia & Joan Gual, Can Ripoll, Inca.

Latest headlines

Inca feels the pain as Dijous Bo is cancelled

The Guardia Civil and Local Police are setting up a special surveillance device to stop crowds of people gathering in the centre of town on Thursday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/11/2020 13:37