Etiqueta 'Mallorca Culture'
La d'Albercutx in Pollensa.


Visit Mallorca's historic towers

The towers with the best views are Torre des Verger in Banyalbufar, Torre d’Albercutx in Pollensa and Torre d’Albarca in Artà.

Wendy Urquhart08/11/2021 11:27

Playa d'Alcudia, Mallorca.


Mallorca has a lot to offer in Autumn

Mallorca is the perfect place to enjoy cycling, golf, hiking, or visits to heritage buildings and traditional local fairs during the autumn months.

Wendy Urquhart05/11/2021 11:15

'Sky Princess'


'Princess Sky' Cruise Ship returns to Palma

'Sky Princess' has plenty to keep passengers busy, including shops, bars restaurants, a large pool, a spa and a stunning 39 metre glass-bottomed SeaWalk.

Wendy Urquhart01/11/2021 10:53

Hato Gató Collective, Mallorca.


A new lease of life for music & songs from the past

“They are simple, powerful songs that are repeated like a mantra, until the group enters something like a trance.."

27/10/2021 11:14

Photo by Arnau Cloquells.


MARE Audiovisual Contest winners announced

"A sea in excellent condition is essential for the future of the Balearic Islands and the well-being of its citizens.."

Wendy Urquhart25/10/2021 12:22

Dinosaurs Tour - Palma 2021

Latest headlines

Dinosaurs that move and breathe in Palma!

“The exhibition is in a real Jurassic Park and the dinosaurs are so realistic that some boys and girls think they are real.."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/10/2021 12:23

PAula Educational Festival, Palma.


The PAula Educational Festival returns to Palma

"We are not an educational congress or a series of presentations, we are a festival with everything from digital and robotics to games and high abilities.."

Wendy Urquhart21/10/2021 11:30

Judith Arias & Ángel Vargas.


TikTok couple in Mallorca are world famous!

“Not everything is perfect, we work a lot of hours and there are no days off, but we love what we do.."

Wendy Urquhart20/10/2021 11:42