Menu del dia in Palma one of the most expensive in Spain
Average prices of a menu del dia in Palma is 13.6 euros
Inflation changing consumer habits in the Balearics
Inflation in Spain is running at its fastest pace in three decades.
Check your bar or restaurant bills in Spain
Prices in Mallorca have risen sharply over the past few years.
Spain to raise inflation forecast after prices climb -economy minister
Inflation has surpassed 10% for the first time in 37 years.
Balearics rental prices go through the roof
Palma is one of the most expensive cities in Spain to rent a flat.
Cost of living goes through the roof in the Balearics
The costs of hotels, cafes and restaurants all rose from last year.
Balearics is most expensive rental destination in Spain for British tourists
Canary Islands are the cheapest destination.
Price of Balearic housing goes through the roof, but not wages
Energy crisis, lack of supplies and inflation causing serious problems.

O’Leary has warned of a rise in flight prices.
O’Leary has warned of a rise in flight prices.
Balearics struggling to find seasonal staff
Spain still has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the EU.
Spain's inflation peaked, to start falling in second half of 2022, minister says
Inflation at a three-decade high
Spain slashes growth outlook after first-quarter slowdown
Tourism recovery will not enough on its own.
Spanish consumers will pay the gas-price cap bill, minister says
Power companies do not want the government getting involved.
Balearics is one of the most expensive places to live in Spain
The cost of housing is causing serious problems.

Fuel prices are driving up inflation.
Fuel prices are driving up inflation.

People sitting on a terrace
People sitting on a terrace.
- Mallorca restaurants' concern for the 2025 tourism season and alarm at union demands
- Start applying for UK entry visa now
- Mallorca hotel is the best in Spain, according to TUI holidaymakers
- Electricity bills power ahead in Spain as goverment slaps heavy tax on bills
- Beware of new red lines on Spanish roads