Etiqueta 'Mallorca forest fires'
Wildfires rage as heatwave scorches Portugal and Spain
Temperatures could reach 40º this Sunday in parts of Mallorca.
Spain forest fire alert
Temperatures across Spain were lower on Monday, and there was rain in the Sierra de la Culebra, affected by wildfires.

Balearics on alert.
Balearics on alert.
Forest fire damage in 2021 14% lower than in the past decade
Over 20% of fires were intentional.
Serious forest fire simulation exercise in Palma
The army's UME emergency unit and various agencies took part.

Forest fire simulation exercise in Mallorca
Minister Mercedes Garrido at Thursday's exercise.

Mallorca's high-risk forest fire campaign runs from May to October
At the launch of the high-risk forest fire campaign.
Warning of "very high risk of forest fires"
Some 350 personnel are involved in fire prevention and fighting.
Majorca tourism
Confidential: As I was saying before i was rudely interrupted!
Frank Leavers experiences the summer in Mallorca
Frank Leavers14/07/2021 12:01