Muro registers the highest temperature this October
Highs of 28 and 29C still being forecast for the weekend.
Temperatures for the Balearics on 24 October, 2022
Monday's highs.
Highs in the Balearics on October 22, 2022
Highs on Saturday.
October temperatures in Mallorca 2.5 degrees higher than normal
The average temperature is forecast to get even higher than usual.
Temperatures for the Balearics on 17 October, 2022
Monday's highs - much the same on Tuesday.
Temperatures for Mallorca, issued 12 October, 2022
Temperatures up to Tuesday (October 18) at least. Certain weather stations forecasting higher for Friday.
Temperatures for the Balearics on 1 October, 2022
Saturday's highs; much the same on Sunday.
Rain, cold, wind and sunshine. Something for everyone´s in this weekend´s weather forecast
Big fall in temperatures overnight
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
A good Tuesday. From Wednesday, looking a bit unsettled. Balearic Webcams (
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
Slight easing of temperatures on Thursday; some risk of showers. Balearic Webcams (
Temperatures in the Balearics on 7 September, 2022
Wednesday was pretty hot.
Highest August temperature ever in Mallorca - 44.5C
Average minimum temperature was also record high.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca, a sunny day but storms tomorrow
A hot and sunny Tuesday; Wednesday to Friday looking a bit dodgy.
Cold front heading for Spain, but will it reach the Balearics?
Showers are not being ruled out in the Balearics.
The heatwave is coming to an end, temperatures to drop by 10 degrees
"It will be in the north of the island where temperatures drop the most...."
Heat island effect contributes to a feeling of 50 degrees in Palma
Trees are important for reducing the heat sensation in a city like Palma.
Wildfires rage as heatwave scorches Portugal and Spain
Temperatures could reach 40º this Sunday in parts of Mallorca.
Get your sun screen ready it is going to be HOT!
Mallorca will be cooler than mainland.
- Traveller registration system: If Mallorca's demands are not met, the Spanish Government will be taken to court
- The Balearics become 'Nomadland': Homelessness swallows the working class
- The EU threatens the future of Mallorca beach bars
- Ryanair under fire: Two days after aborted landing, passengers arrive in Palma
- Travel guide urges tourists to avoid Mallorca in 2025