All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
There are fire risk Alerts in some point of Mallorca.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Some places of Mallorca are under Yellow Alert because of the High Temperatures.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Fire risk index for today Very high in Mallorca.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Fire risk index for tododay very high in Mallorca.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Fire risk index for today very high in Mallorca.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Cloudy intervals. Some showers in general weak, mainly in Mallorca in the afternoon.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Now we have some weak precipitation in Mallorca.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
The Balerics islands are under Fire Alert in some points.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
The Balerics islands are under Fire Alert in some points
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
It rained a little in Sant Antoni de Portmany
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Check daily temperatures, winds, gusts and rainfall for the Balearic Islands.
General view of Puerto Alcudia
General view of Puerto Alcudia.
This summer in Mallorca has been wetter than usual
Twice as much rain as normal, and autumn doesn't start until September 22.
Friday's weather in Mallorca - A marked drop in temperature
The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, the thirteenth of September.
Will higher summer temperatures lead to an easing of Mallorca's overcrowding?
Research from the BBVA bank is the latest to point to the loss of summer tourist demand due to extreme temperatures.
- Traveller registration system: If Mallorca's demands are not met, the Spanish Government will be taken to court
- Fresh move to scrap new tourist registration scheme in Spain
- The Balearics become 'Nomadland': Homelessness swallows the working class
- The EU threatens the future of Mallorca beach bars
- Ryanair under fire: Two days after aborted landing, passengers arrive in Palma