Etiqueta 'Mallorca temperatures'
Summer weather in October in Mallorca

Summer weather in October in Mallorca

People take to the beach in Palma on Sunday to enjoy the unusal warm temperatures for this time of year.

Emilio Queirolo 02/10/2023

General view of Palma

General view of Palma

General view of Palma.

T. AYUGA 04/03/2021

Mallorca Weather


All you need to know about the weather in Majorca

Weak and occasional rainfall in the Baleares environment, it is not ruled out that some may fall on the ground.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/09/2020 15:06


All you need to know about the weather in Majorca

The Balearic Islands are under Orange Alert Because of the high Temperatures.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/07/2020 13:49

Mallorca Weather


All you need to know about the weather in Majorca

Some places of Mallorca are under Yellow Alert because of the High Temperatures.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/07/2020 14:33